El Consumismo Impacta.

Campaña Publicitaria
Titulo: El consumismo Impacta
Categoría: Impresión
Director Creativo: Temoc Trejo
Redactores: Celia Villarreal
Fotógrafo: Temoc Trejo
Retocador Creativo:Paul Lapkin
Declaración de intención
El objetivo de este Proyecto de Tesis es crear una Campaña publicitaria para alertar a los consumidores sobre los impactos psicológicos y sociales del mal uso del consumo. La primera fase debe estudiar la distorsión en el comportamiento del consumidor e identificar los impactos negativos que afectan a los individuos. La segunda fase es la creación de la Campaña. Los Anuncios serán usados para mostrar a tres consumidores potenciales de  diferentes edades y géneros —todos ellos están bajo la influencia corrosiva del consumismo.


The Campaign

Title: Consumerism Impacts

Category: Print

Creative Director: Temoc Trejo

Copywriters: Temoc Trejo, Celia Villarreal

Photographer: Temoc Trejo

Creative Retoucher:Paul Lapkin


Statement of intent

1. What?

The aim of this Thesis Project is to create an Advertising Campaign to alert consumers about the psychological and social impacts of Consumerism in their lives.

The first phase is to study the distortion in consumption behavior called Consumerism and identify the negative impacts affecting the individuals.

The second phase is the creation of the Campaign itself. Print Ads will be used to show three potential consumers of different ages and genders — all of them under the corrosive influence of Consumerism.


I believe that another way of living and consuming is possible, in a more rational and sustainable way.

In today’s societies humans are no longer in contact with nature. We don’t realize how deep and irreversible we are hurting Mother Nature, and as a result hurting us.

However I didn’t want to focus in environmental issues. The issue is widely developed by experts and environmentalists.

The core of my Thesis Project are Individuals. They are saturated and overwhelmed by material things, obsessed by the desire of shopping more and more, and in the end profoundly unhappy.

I want to alert the society about the impacts of consumerism in their lives. Even more, I want to create a debate and a reflection in those people therefore they can find their own answer.

I rely on the power of information to start the switch to a more responsible and balance lifestyle.

—A sustainable and happier life